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We are anticipating a little the season of giving, and decided to start November with a gift right from the interstellar space: a new version of our plugin!

WP Rocket 3.2 just landed on your website, and it’s ready to make it faster and improve its PageSpeed ranking! ✨

Let’s see the features included in this last stellar release:

A Shiny New Preload System

This is the heart of the 3.2 release. We’re saying goodbye to the external preload bot, and welcoming the background preload process.

It’s the same system we’ve been already using for sitemap preload, database optimization and critical CSS generation: this new process will be more efficient, and will remove any dependency on external services. You can say adieu! to the spikes in CPU usage or server load.

Activate it in: Preload > Activate Preloading

New Preload Tab

If you use the Activate Preload option only, the homepage and all the links found on it will be preloaded:

  • when you save changes to the WP Rocket settings (since the cache is cleared)
  • when the Cache Lifespan expires
  • when you click the Preload link from the admin toolbar, or on the WP Rocket dashboard

If you also decide to use the Sitemap-based cache preloading option, the sitemaps automatically detected (Yoast, All-in-One) or defined in the text field will be preloaded after the homepage and all the links found on it are preloaded.

We also introduced the possibility to stop the preload once triggered: you will see a Stop Preload button in the preload notice.

A shiny new preload system

Facebook Pixel Add-on

Following what we already did with Google Tracking in WP Rocket 3.1, we added a one-click add-on to cache Facebook tracking files locally.
This new add-on will take care of hosting Facebook Pixels and satisfy PageSpeed recommendations about browser caching rules ?Browser Caching Facebook Pagespeed Note

Activate it in: Add-ons > Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel Add-on

We cover instances of the pixel URLs with the domain.
These are URL patterns we look to replace:{{locale}}/fbevents.js{{app_id}}?v={{version}}&r={{release_segment}}{{plugin_name}}?v={{version}}{{locale}}/sdk.js

The local file will be stored in the following folder:


And it will result in this kind of file format:

Take into consideration that the recommended Facebook and WooCommerce plugin integrations are supported, but Google Tag Manager is not.

New Heartbeat tab

We added this new tab to provide a way to control Heartbeat behavior in three different contexts:

  • On the backend
  • On the post editor
  • On the frontend

For each of them, you can choose to keep the default behavior, reduce the activity (switching the interval from 60 to 120 seconds) or disable the option, if you prefer to completely stop heartbeat in this context.

Activate it in: Heartbeat > Control Heartbeat

Specify a custom cache folder

If you are using some kind of versioning, load-balancing or multiple servers setup, this feature is for you!
Now you will be able to specify a different cache folder than the default one.

You can achieve this by adding two constants to the wp-config.php file:

  • WP_ROCKET_CACHE_ROOT_PATH to specify the absolute cache folder path
  • WP_ROCKET_CACHE_ROOT_URL to specify the cache folder URL

Third-Party Compatibility

We also have some news regarding third-party compatibility!
Here they are:

Sucuri Cache

Many of our customers were asking for the possibility to clear the Sucuri cache at the same time as WP Rocket’s cache and keep them in sync. We’re happy to announce this process is finally automatic!

You’ll just need to integrate the add-on with your Sucuri Firewall account using the API key from your Sucuri account:

Sucuri Add-on Tab

Cookie Notice GDPR and GDPR Plugin

We already had partial compatibility with Cookie Notice plugin, and now we updated it to reach full compatibility, using our mandatory/dynamic cookies system.

Furthermore, one of our customers provided a pull request handling all the compatibility necessary for compatibility with the GDPR plugin: thanks, Jordi!

Check our changelog for more enhancements

Version 3.2 also contains numerous other bug fixes and enhancements: you can read all the details in our changelog

If you’re a customer of WP Rocket, consider joining our Beta Program: you’ll be able to get a look and test our new features before the official release!
Just opt-in to be a Beta tester from your WP Rocket dashboard: we’ll email you when we have some new features to test out 🙂

Did you know we also opened a Facebook community for WP Rocket users? Share your success stories as well as product feedback!

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Comments (27)

Heartbeat controls... for those of us with no knowledge of what that is, can you explain why we might want to make these changes? Benefits? Potential issues?

Yay! I'm THRILLED to see the Sucuri cache clearing integration. Thank you! :)

If the Sucuri Security plugin is already installed and has the Firewall API key configured there, will WP Rocket auto-detect that and use the key from those settings?

Yes. We need more information about Heartbeat.

Is it necessary? Can I completely turn-off?

Awesome, keep up the good work!

Hey there! Great news! I love WP Rocket even more!

The only thing: we should have some preload for that takes sooooo long on every page loading..

Will keep looking forward for WP Pixel Add-On

Cheers! Keep going the amazing job!

Video tutorials with more details and explanations about the update would be much appreciated. The plugin is great and with tutorials we would love the plugin even more. Thanks!!!

Bonjour et bravo pour cette update ?
Pensez-vous à publier un article détaillé sur le fonctionnement du nouveau robot de preload ?
Sur @lelynxfr on en a fait un custom car on avait des difficultés avec l'ancien. Avant d'imaginer re-tenter avec la nouvelle feature, j'aimerais bien lire quelques détails sur son fonctionnement.
Merci !

After the update, the performance of the site has deteriorated
Also, I don’t understand how to adjust the pulsation

The update works worse than the previous version. Caching has stopped working, the site loading speed has increased 10 times! I returned the old version.

Before i was using W3 Total cache on my website but today installed WP Rocket 3.2 on it and my site speed has increased dramatically even without using CDN.

Thanks everybody for your comments and for appreciating our new features! :)

@Dan and @Albert, for more info about Heartbeat we have a new doc which explains everything in detail:

@Andrew, if you use Sucuri Firewall you need to manually enter the API key the first time, as we explain here:

@Sampsa, thanks a lot!

@Fabio, thanks for suggesting this! We added this request in our internal feature request board, we can think about implementing it!

@Marcelo, we love video tutorials too, and hopefully we'll be happy to produce more in the future!

@Olivier, nous avons mis à jour notre documentation concernant le nouveau système du préchargement du cache, vous la trouverez ici:

Preloading is broken. Manual clearing cache and preload dosent work anymore. Site performance and speed issues with the latest update

Hello Jonathan,
I have updated plugin to version but my following two pages are loading slow specially on mobile .

1 -
2 -

What might be the reason?
It is may be due to both posts are having multiples images on it?

I am using Smush plugin. Should I replace it with Imagify plugin?
I haven't enabled lazy load for images as well.

Great news. I use the plugin in Russia.
The development team is constantly improving its product. Thank you for your work.
New release will be tested

after update, WP Rocket Preload started consuming a lot of traffic. It took a few gigabytes within hours just for repeatedly reading same pages. My website volume is about 350MB, but it uses around 700~800MB per hour. So, WP Rocket made me pay over traffic fee. Never happened with previous versions, but as WP Rocket said "Brand New Preload Feature Available", it made a problem.

So, I just deactivated WP Rocket and problem solved.

Great update, & thanks for incorporating heartbeat control. I can attest reducing the frequency of this does definitely have an impact on performance, or resource spikes or usage on a server. In my case its a Cloud VPS @ SiteGround, which I have 70+ sites hosted on. The only thing I'm interested in is why only the 3 settings, as opposed to something like which gives granular control? Have you done some research into optimum settings?

I have used w3 total cache and super cache and they all are good but my friend told me to use wp-rocket and after using it my sites ( performance has increased significantly. So, thanks

Currently, I am using litespeed cache plugin, lazy load and cloudflare on my blog and these are the pages with lot of images and content. The page load speed of these two content is under 2 seconds.

links :

Can you please tell what more sort of improvement I can make using wp rocket plugin? Can I bring my page speed under 1 seconds by purchasing wp rocket plugin?

i have a problem with prices in woocommerce..
wp rocket caches prices and it shows previous price in single product page
how can i disable it for prices ?

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