Popular Questions

Is there a trial version? What is your refund policy?

We do not have a trial version of WP Rocket, but we do have a 14 days money-back guarantee.

See our refund policy

Can I get a discount?

We know you love coupons! Subscribe to our newsletter where we include all promotions and new releases: you will get an immediate 10% OFF coupon code for WP Rocket!

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Is it a one time fee or do I have to pay every year?

When you purchase a WP Rocket license for the first time, you’ll receive our technical support and plugin updates for 12 months. After this period, you’re free to choose whether you wish to renew or not. If you choose not to renew, WP Rocket will keep working on your site but you won’t be able to update it, nor receive support if you experience any issue.

Do you have lifetime licenses?

No, we do not have Lifetime Licenses. All our Licenses are valid for 12 months.

Our Infinite License refers to the number of websites WP Rocket can be used on, but it still needs yearly renewal for continuous access to technical support and plugin updates.

Can I upgrade my license later?

Yes, you can upgrade your License if you wish to use WP Rocket on more websites, and you will only pay for the difference between the two plans. Please keep in mind that upgrading increases the number of websites you can use the plugin on, but it does not affect the expiration date.

Learn more about upgrades

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